The Taste of Your Sweat

Have you ever taste your own sweat? Try some! Have yourself standing under a sunshine and some exercise. Then, enjoy it! Hahaha.

But, that's not the point. What is the taste of your sweat? Salty? Yes, it is. Sweat is one of the balancing mechanism in human body which will secrete excessive salt component in our body. That is the reason why it taste salty.

But, the sweat will not remain salty forever, at least that's what you feel. When you have dreams, and you poured all your salty, or even bitter sweat to achieve them, you will taste the different in the end. Yes, my friend. In the end of your struggle, regardless of the result, every sweat that you poured will taste sweet, not salty anymore.

That is because you have try your best to achieve them. And you have reach the point of no regret. People who has to feel regret are those who don't give their best in the process, regardless of the result. When you failed, you will feel regret since you thought that you can be success if you give your best. While when you succeed, you will feel regret since you thought that you could reach even more.

That is why, to give our best is the most important thing in what we do. You won't feel regret no matter how hard it is. Even the sweat you have been poured will taste sweet. You can always look back and smile to see how hard you have been trying so that you are what you are now and keep on moving on. That is life, friend.

Do your best!