The Dignity of a Star

The star i want to talk about here is the collective mass of dust and gas in the sky. The one which emitting energy and light every single second. The star which enlighten even the darkest night.

I love skygazing (this term is one that I made myself), no matter day or night, sky is the best object for me. And I acknowledge that the one which always make the sky feel bright is the star. They shine with their own power, not like the satellites which can only reflect the light of the sun, The emit their own strength make the night feels brighter. They sometimes might be alone in the sky, but they never give up on shining. They might look small and insignificant, but that won't stop the try to shine even more. They dignify themselves even if they sometimes insignificant.

Let us learn from the dignity of the star, friend. They keep on trying to be bright even in the darkest night. We sometimes feel that we are nothing, that we might be the worst human ever live in this world. We sometimes think that we don't have any significant role in this big world, considering that we are very small and unable. We say that we are nobody and can do nothing.

Why do we have to feel that way. The star always shine for the sake of the universe, while we just have to shine for the world, a population which is smaller than the entire universe. We must not give up on our pessimistic, saying that we are nobody. If we don't dignify ourselves, so who would. We can always try to shine for the sake of this world, no matter how small we are, just like the stars. We must always dignify ourselves even if we are nobody.

The world will not be complete without us. A machine might breakdown even if just because of one bolt. The world might collapse just because of one insignificant man. We are part of this world, just like a star which is part of the universe. We are also part of the universe, and we can always shine for it. Dignify yourself more, therefore you can shine for the world.

Smile eternally,