Chasing Carita Part 1

Heya! Ini adalah dokumentasi pertama perjalanan 'IE 2006 Goes to Carita' ato bisa disebut 'the 5,6,7-8-9 holiday'.

Judul 'Chasing Carita' didapat setelah berdebat sepanjang jalan menuju Carita sampe akhirnya Nabir mengeluarkan ide ini. Thanks for Nabir for the name!

Rabu, 5-8-2009

Pagi2 sblm berangakt gw uda siap dari jam stgh 6 gr2 aldi blg dya bakal dateng jam 6. Dan jam 6 lewat 15 dan aldi dengan mudahnya berkata baru bangun. Oh crap!

Then, gw pun mengupdate facebook, plurk dan kungfu pets dulu. Jam 7 pun gw berhenti karena aldi bilang dya berangkat jam 6.45. Dan doi bersama uchal baru nyampe 7.45. Nice!

Spanjang perjalanan kami mencari pompa ban buat mompa bola. Dan dengan hebatnya kami gak punya pentil. Setelah bersusah2 beli pentil, ternyata gak bisa dimasukin ke bolanya. Berusaha menyelidiki ternyata pentil bolanya bisa dilepas dan ban bisa dipompa tanpa pentil. Capek dehh.

Pas ngisi juga kita malu2 karena bolanya yg kita bawa ini kyk bola anak2 yg warnanya ijo lucu dengan pola bintang2 dan boneka. Maklumlah, kami bertiga pria dewasa sejati.

Sampailah di kampus buat ngumpul. Shamien pake acara ngambek segala gara2 doi uda nyampe dari pagi dan belom ada yang dateng. Trus tiba2 doi ternyata.cuma pura2 ngambek. Dasar cari sensasi!!

Berikut ini adalah orang2 yg ikut:
Gw, uchal, aldi, nabir, happy, manda, ichal, rama, shamien, widi, kunam, rensus, agil, sasa, dape, rama, cabe, ruhum, alia dan allan (tamu).

Kami pun lepas landas dengan 3 mobil, aldi, rama dan cabe.

Gw di mobil aldi bersama uchal, aldi, nabir, happy, manda dan ichal. Sepanjang perjalanan penuh dengan lawakan, ngeceng2in uchal (ehem), dan curcolan gw sendiri. Paling seru sihh ngeceng2in hepi! (yg di mobil aldi pasti tauk)

Lagu yang menemani kami mulai dari viva la vida (coldplay), wajahmu mengindahkan duniaku (alexa) *duh pengen curcol dehh*, ampe queen dan phil collins.

Kami pergi sejak jam 09.45 dan sampai di Carita jam 1330. Sekarang kami baru nyampe. Ahh birunya pantai menyejukkan mata kami, kuningnya pasir menghangatkan hati kami, terutama hati gw yang kesepian.

Di sini Bagus Arya Wirapati melaporkan dan kami akan segera menikmati hidup setelah makan. The journey has just begun!! Smile eternally guyz!!

--To Be Continued--

Mobile Upload //TEST//


Salah satu masalah utama gw dlm blogging adalah gw suka lupa ide yg pengen gw tulis di blog.

Post ini gw tujukan untuk ngetest mobile upload. Mobile upload ini gw harapkan bisa memecahkan semua masalah lupa ide ini. Jadinya klo gw lg gak deket komputer trus tiba2 dapet ide. SYUUT! Bisa langsung diupload dehh lewat hape!

Semoga feature ini membantu produktivitas gw. Amin.


Everybody Can Change The World

I always remember the biggest dream when I was little. Indeed that I always have a lot of dreams, like being an F16 Pilot, doctor, etc. But, there is only one dream which I always keep up until now.

I swore that I would change the world!

I grew under a very turbulent era where the world keeps going up and down. Crises, wars, poverty, global warming, and so many other blistering catastrophes in the past. They have been decorating the headlines until now. It gives me motivation for changing this world as my lifetime contribution.

But, Can I?

I believe it not just me. Everybody does have this kind of answer for a big dream or even bigger dreams than this. You can always feel unable to accomplish something that is very hard to achieve. You may feel uncapable for that. Even a capable person can fail to accomplish such a dream. So it is normal for us to feel that inferior.

But, really, I think everybody can change the world. Yes! Everybody, despite of their uncapabilities. But, of course in a different way.

We might have heard stories of a father which can accomplish his dream of becoming engineer and ended up being a hourly labor. He work hard as that hourly labor to finance their children to be able to go to college. He passed his dream to his children.

We must do the same. If we ourselves cannot accomplish it, pass it on somebody else, most likely is our heir. Plant the same vision as you have and help him/her/them to achieve it. It may not you who change the world, but your vision does.

No matter what, there are always a chance for you to change the world. The most important thing is that you have to have vision to be spread, since you might not be able to accomplish it by yourself.

Life sure is short. So why don't we prolong it by spreading our vision to others. Starts with our own heirs.

You can someday change the world!
Yes, everybody can change the world!

Smile Eternally,