Hidup yang Kuinginkan

Apa yang kuinginkan dalam hidup ini? Apakah hanya sekedar belajar, memperoleh pendidikan tertinggi, berkeluarga, mencari nafkah, hidup berkecukupan, bahagia dengan keluarga, dan kemudian meninggal dengan tenang? Part of it, yes. Tapi aku tidak mau hanya hidup seperti itu.

Aku hanya ingin hidup di dunia yang sedikit kurang biasa, jika tidak bisa luar biasa. Aku ingin bisa memanfaatkan hidupku yang hanya sebentar di dunia ini, untuk menjadi manfaat bagi sekelilingku, bagi dunia ini. Aku belajar, berkarya dan berpikir hanya demi satu impian dan visi ini. Aku ingin, suatu hari nanti, aku bisa melakukan sesuatu yang besar demi dunia ini, sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi semua orang. Sehingga aku bisa meninggalkan bukti kehidupanku, bukti keberadaanku. Sehingga aku bisa terus hidup di dunia ini, dalam buku sejarah, dalam biografi, dalam buku teks kuliah, dan dalam ingatan semua orang. Sehingga, aku bisa mencapai sesuatu yang disebut keabadian. Keabadian yang menurut diriku sendiri. adalah tetap hidup di hati seluruh umat manusia.

Tapi, bagaimana jika aku ditakdirkan untuk hidup normal?

Maka aku tidak terima. Aku akan memberontak dari nasib, menggeliat dari takdir, dan melepaskan diri dari belenggu waktu. Waktu boleh berhenti bagiku, tetapi hidup harus tetap berjalan bagiku. Memang ini adalah impian yang sangat kekanakan dan egois serta terdengar tidak masuk akal. Tapi inilah The Boy That Lives Inside Me. Inilah hal yang selalu kuimpikan semenjak aku dapat berpikir. Dan aku akan terus memimpikan ini, sebagai anak lelaki yang tak pernah melepaskan harapannya, dengan optimisme yang lebih besar dari semua orang di dunia ini, dengan semangat hidup yang tak terbendung. Berapa tahun pun aku ditakdirkan hidup, akan kuciptakan legenda diriku, in my Quest of Legacy.

Dream On!

P.S. Sudah lama tidak menulis seperti ini. Lega rasanya. :D

The Point of Happiness

I'm just wondering so hard, do we have to snatch happiness from other people to get happy? Do we really to be selfish so that we can become happy? Is it individualistic that fuels our happiness? I'm wondering about it since there are people in this world who try to grab happiness for their own.

I believe that there's no point of being happy alone. Why? Because happiness were meant to be shared with other people. Because you can only feel really happy when there are people who share smiles and laughs together with you for your happiness.

Do you feel happy when fortunately you got your own great marks on your exams. while unfortunately your best friends just have red marks on theirs? I would feel like all of my happiness from my successful exam just ceased away. Because, I cannot share this to my friends. I am only keeping it to myself. And it is no fun at all. Because you have to hold back the happiness for yourself.

When you snatch happiness from others to grab your own happiness, you will also lose the fun part of being happy. That is to have people to share with, also. Since you were just taking someone's happiness away, no one would appreciate it. That is why, you just cannot tell anyone about your happiness, unless you got no shame at all.

I always imagine a world with myself living on my own alone. Where there lives no human but me, and I own everything that remains in this flourished world. Indeed, having all of those blessed beings fow my own is a very great fulfillment. But, don't you think it is sad. You live there alone, and got no one to communicate with. All of those that you own cannot be shared to anyone. You can only enjoy it yourself and try to smile and laugh on your own, with no one tells you that you've been doing great or anything.

It is human basic instinct to desire of owning everything they could in this world. But, once you have everything, you left nothing for the others. You are all alone, the only one enjoying happiness. Imagine how lonely that is, even though you are flourished with wealth and everything, but friends to share with.

No matter how happy you are, having no one to share your happiness with is nothing but sadness. We must not be selfish. We have to make everyone happy, so that we can always share our happiness together. That is the point of happiness, to have it shared with all of the other people. That way, you can always be happy, in the true meaning.

Friends will double your joy, and divide your sorrow,